More loot

As I was working on the Demons of Dimyr module, I've realised that I needed more variety in loot. So I've created this expanded loot table based on a d66 roll (two d6s rolled together and interpreted as a single number). It uses the same categorization in the HexHunt rulebook:

  • A - weapon,
  • B - armour,
  • C - Tools & Equipment,
  • D - Mundane Items,
  • E - Valuables,
  • F - Trinkets

This table will also be included in the Demons of Dimyr adventure.

¢ = bronze coin, ₵ = silver coin, ₡ = gold coin
The value of each gemstone is determined independently by rolling a d6 for each piece and interpreting the result in gold coins (₡). The value of each jewellry is determined independently by rolling a d6 and interpreting the result in its material in coins (gold, silver, or bronze).

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